Silica is found naturally in the environment. It is a compound made from silicon and oxygen and can come in different forms. All silica forms are made from the same chemicals but can have different structures.

Silica is divided into two main groups, Crystalline Silica and Amorphous Silica (non-crystalline silica). The most common type of Crystalline Silica is found in quartz. Other types also exist, but they are less common.

Source: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.


No. Silica is divided into two main groups, Crystalline Silica, and Amorphous Silica (non-crystalline silica). Breathing microscopic Crystalline Silica particles for a long period of time (typically years) can develop into silicosis, a serious lung disease.

Crystalline Silica is the only compound that causes silicosis. There are no known health effects from exposure to Amorphous Silica at the levels found in the environment or in commercial products (food additives and wrapping, toothpaste and cosmetics).

Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.


Silica is found in many rocks, sand, and construction materials. Silica dust is produced while drilling, cutting or grinding these materials.

You can develop a lung disease called silicosis by breathing microscopic silica particles into your lungs which there is no current cure.

Source: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.

Safety and Health Organizations

US and Canadian Safety and Health organizations have recognized the health hazards associated with exposure to respirable Crystalline Silica and have long-standing rules, regulations, and requirements for fabricating and finishing products containing silica.


Lapitec® Sintered Stone. Silica is a natural binder and once removed it needs to be replaced. Lapitec uses a patented natural product call Biorite® to replace silica found in its raw material ingredients. Once the silica is removed (in the manufacturing process), Biorite® is added to the mixture, making these slabs silica free.

Breton: Prioritizing Safety in the Stone Industry.

LAPITEC – SIlica Free Certified PDF

Corian® Solid Surface. Corian® Solid Surface is not manufactured nor contains Silica.

Although the above materials do not countian Silica, Willis and it’s manufactures suggest handling and fabricating these materials in accordance to their manufacturing guidelines, in addition to local health and safety guidelines.

Safety & Health Resources


Canadian Centre for Health & Occupation: Governed by a tripartite council representing governments (federal, provincial and territorial), employers, and labour.
Chemical Profiles: Silica Quartz

In Québec, the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), provides information about labour standards, pay equity or occupational health and safety.
Crystalline Silica: Regulatory Amendments

Government of Ontario – Find information about government services and programs all in one easy place.
Alert: Silica exposure during countertop manufacturing and installing



OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration:
Silica, Crystalline

OSHA & National Institute For Occupational Safety And Health:
NISOH Hazard Alert

OSHA – Respirable Crystalline Silica Focused Inspection Initiative in the Engineered Stone Fabrication and Installation Industries:
Standard Interpretations of Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard Numbers 1910.1053 and 1926.1153

Millions of U.S. workers are exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) in a variety of industries. Workers exposed to RCS can develop serious lung disease:
CDC – NIOSH: Silica and Worker Health 

Silica Resources, OSHA Releases Final Silica Ruling, Impact on the Stone Industry:
Natural Stone Institute: Silica

American Lung Association ensures that leaders pay attention to lung health and advocate for action to pass laws and put in place programs that will save lives.
American Lung Association: Silicosis

Silica Dust Training Video

SILICA DUST HAZARD SAFETY VIDEO – Video on Silica Dust Hazard is provided to each company wishing to become a certified manufacturer/installer for Corian® Design Materials.