An environmentally-friendly choice
A sustainable design allows you to leave a big footprint on the design world, and not the environment. Discover our solutions below and how they are contributing to sustainable design on a day-to-day basis.
Building sustainable with Corian® Design
Corian® Solid Surface and Corian® Quartz continue to evolve in new and exciting applications where sustainable design and durable building solutions are critical. Every day, consumers, builders, architects, and designers increasingly choose to “build green” and Corian® Design materials are available to them as an environmentally-friendly choice.
Durable & Renewable
Both Corian® materials can easily be repaired and renewed, thus minimizing the desire or need to replace and dispose of it. However, should you want to redesign, the material can be removed, re-cut, and either reinstalled or reworked into new products. Thanks also to its inherent stain resistance, Corian® lasts a long time and can stand up to even the worst of stains.
Low-VOC Emissions
Corian® Solid Surface and cured Corian® adhesives and sealants are GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified for low VOC content and emissions. They are also third-party certified to be free of heavy metals, complying with EU Directive 2002/95 EC on the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS).
The Corian® materials are inert and non-toxic. Under normal temperature conditions, the materials do not emit gases. When burned, they release mainly Carbon Oxides and the smoke generated is optically light and does not contain toxic halogenated gases.
Improvement in Industrial Processes
DuPont continues to improve the industrial processes of Corian. Some of these improvements that contribute to sustainable design are:
- Choosing raw materials, suppliers, and packaging responsibly.
- Using pigments free of heavy metals, toxic or carcinogenic ingredients, reducing waste generation in manufacturing.
- And recycling scrap and off-spec Corian in new product applications.
DuPont’s Drive to Zero Initiative
In a major push to green its global operations, DuPont decided to alter its eco-footprint in a very big way and eliminated 81 million pounds of manufacturing waste a year—and made trips to the landfill obsolete. No small order, considering that the company’s 15 production facilities span the globe from Buffalo, New York, to South Korea to Guangzhou, China.
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Lapitec®’s Green Vision
Today more than ever, architecture is designed around and for the environment. Within Lapitec’s Green Vision, this has been the driving force throughout the production of the materials, respecting the environment as well as the health of people. The process is sustainable without damaging our planet while thinking about future generations.
Sustainable Materials
A sustainable product throughout: from production to processing, transformation to the end product. Lapitec does not contain any raw material obtained through petroleum processing.
Environmentally Safe Disposal
The material is completely inert and does not release any substances into the environment. When scrapped, it is milled to be recycled as an aggregate or can be simply disposed of in normal waste treatment plants.
Improved Thermal Insulation
Cladding ventilated façades with Lapitec offers improved thermal insulation compared to other cladding products on the market.
Green Production
Lapitec S.p.A, coherent with an environmentally sustainable “Green” policy has decided to use renewable energy sources for production. In fact, photovoltaic panels are installed on the roofs of the 18,000 m² of premises.
100% Silica Free
In response to the new health regulations in place in many countries around the world, Lapitec has patented a mineral formula for a material that is entirely free of crystalline silica. As of 2022 the entire pallet is 100% Silica free. Composed of a mixture of 100% natural minerals and already free of resins, digital prints, and other petroleum derivatives, the Lapitec family of surfaces has now achieved an additional objective in terms of sustainability and safety, without sacrificing any of its performance characteristics.
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Modern aesthetics with contemporary values
Arpa Industriale, the makers of Arpa HPL, FENIX® NTM, and FENIX® NTA see sustainability as not something you dream about, but something you do. It’s about acting. This is why Arpa always takes actions that provide a ‘win’ for the environment and its clients. Sustainability at Arpa is about creating products and materials that are so important to people that there is no need to replace them.
Long-lasting & Durable
Both FENIX and Arpa HPL are extremely durable materials, representing the very starting point of Arpa’s sustainability strategy. The longer the product lasts, the longer the period of time to spread the environmental impact associated with the production of raw materials and the manufacturing process. By implying fewer replacements, long-lasting products entail less use of resources, lower emissions of pollutants, and a smaller amount of waste than short life-span goods. The result of this vision is the exceptional quality of all Arpa products.
Hands-on Approach
Materializing sustainability requires a realistic vision, hands-on action, and an integrated approach in the entire company. Arpa addresses sustainability and environmental protection, starting with the quantification of the impacts. Through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, Arpa measures three key environmental indicators: water footprint, global warming, and primary energy demand. All of their sustainability initiatives have been integrated into their rolling business planning and review cycle.
Disposal & Recycling
FENIX® is a material classified as non-hazardous by Arpa Industriale. Disposal as a result of any processing must take place after the assignment of the appropriate European Waste Code at the expense of the user and treated in accordance with current legislation. Attention must be taken to apply the correct CER Index and to follow the regulations on disposal when the material has been processed and used to create items and composites by customers.
Creating New Value
The sustainability policy at Arpa is based on a deeply felt motivation to shift from being ‘less bad’ for the environment to being ‘great’ for the environment. Do no harm. Do good. Do better. They comply with safety, product and sustainability regulations and guidelines, focused on materializing opportunities that minimize the environmental impact of their operations and products.
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